Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility Projects are one of our company values. We are aware of our responsibility for sustainable living for our employees, our society and our environment and we are involved in campaigns, projects and programs of this value. For a sustainable life, we know the value of the resources we have in terms of economic, environmental and social aspects and we attach utmost importance to these values.

Today, in addition to environmental issues such as preventing environmental pollution, taking measures against global warming, protecting biodiversity, social issues such as gender equality, increasing the number of women employment and women managers in workplaces and eliminating inequalities, occupational health and safety, not employing child labor, protecting cultural heritage, etc. have come to the forefront worldwide. Destekbank also believes that sustainable banking is of great importance in a rapidly changing world that has to face many problems ranging from climate change to socio-economic inequality.


Within this framework, the Bank implemented its sustainability policy on 24.7.2023 with the approval of the Bank's Board of Directors in line with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals set by the United Nations in order to carry out all its activities (loans granted, the Bank's procurement activities and internal energy / water saving, etc.) in accordance with sustainability principles and to shape its corporate structure in line with these principles.

A Sustainability Committee has been established to take into account the environmental and social aspects of sustainability, to follow national and global developments and to implement policies, and an officer of the Bank has been appointed to work under this committee.


In order to internalize sustainability principles in all business processes, internal awareness raising is continuously encouraged. Trainings are organized by the Sustainability Committee to raise employee awareness on sustainability issues.


On the other hand, Destekbank aims to increase the number of female managers and female employees in recruitment. In addition, the Bank has prioritized digitalization in order to reduce paper consumption and ensure business efficiency. The Bank is reviewing the areas that require the use of paper, both in processes with customers and in the Bank's internal processes, and is working to transfer these to electronic media to the extent permitted by legal regulations. The Bank offers its retail customers the opportunity to become customers remotely through mobile banking, thus avoiding the use of paper in the processes of becoming a customer. Similarly, technical and administrative measures have been taken to prevent unnecessary or erroneous printing. In addition, waste is separated within the Bank and waste recycling is taken seriously.